Using the Resources The most obvious use for the resources is as a Kid Pix™ print, but there are other ways the resources may be utilized. Teachers (and all adults are teachers of their own children) may use the resources as art ideas which the class can colour and print. The printed resources may also be used as book covers for projects; as cards for festive occasions; or simply as visual reward for those children whose artistic skills are not as great as some other members of the class. Kid Pix™ stores the pictures as PICT resources, any program which can load PICT resources can, therefore, access these pictures. Superpaint 2.0 (from Silicon Beach Software) will load these pictures in a black and white format, the features of this program allow a great deal of variation, including the ability to enlarge the picture. When an enlarged picture has been printed the child can colour it by hand - the size of the printed version can also be varied according to need. There is an excellent "Shareware" paint program called "Lightning Paint 1.1" which has many of the features of commercial paint programs, the program is available from Bulletin Boards or from the author:   A small fee for a great program! Aldus SuperPaint 3.0 (from Silicon Beach Software) enables you to transform the coloured versions of the resources - you will have to copy and paste from the draw layer to the paint layer - the resulting choices are virtually endless.